Monday, September 26, 2011

4 Tips to avoid the risk of miscarriage

4 Tips to avoid the risk of miscarriage

4 Tips to avoid the risk of miscarriage
One of the most feared pregnancy is miscarried. Miscarriage occurs in first pregnancies trimseter. Signs ranging from bleeding in the vagina, severe abdominal cramping or bleeding at the bottom of the light. Percentage of miscarriage for a woman between 15-50 percent of pregnancies that occur.

Do not worry. There are many ways that can be done to avoid the nightmare was repeated. Here are the steps that can be done to minimize the risk of miscarriage, quoted from Yahoo Shine page.

1. Know the condition of the body
If you are planning to become pregnant, the first step you should do is to conduct the examination of risk factors such as problems associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, polycstic ovarian syndrome, fibroids, or thyroid disorders.

Check your health history, thorough too drugs, herbs, and supplements you'll ever consume. You also have to be careful with medications that can be easily obtained without a prescription, such as ibuprofen or herbs such as ginkgo.

Do the same discussion with the family to know the history of miscarriage in a large family. Consult your doctor to find a solution to your problem.

2. Avoid stress
Stress is not a good thing if you are planning a pregnancy or in pregnant condition. British researchers found, feeling happy, relaxed, or controlled to reduce the risk of miscarriage by 60 percent.

To feel happiness at the time of pregnancy, do moderate exercise such as pregnancy exercise, dinner with friends or the people closest to, or watch your favorite TV shows.

What if reducing stress by sex? According to Jonathan Scher, MD, assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, you must pass through an intimate relationship with your husband in the first trimester, because of the hormone in semen may stimulate contractions. Once the embryo is strong enough and fully embedded in the uterus, you and your partner can enjoy sex.

3. Chromosome Test
After experiencing a miscarriage, do an analysis of the chromosome on fetal tissue. This is very useful to obtain information related to the content problem you experienced. This test can reveal if there are problems chromosome problems that can not be avoided, cause 50 percent of miscarriages.

If the test result is abnormal (the network has an abnormal chromosome number), then it is good news for you because there are no significant problems on your body. This is a random event, the risk of miscarriage would be less and less. The time you try again.

However, if the test chromosome in the fetus showed normal results, then further tests should be held. But unfortunately, this important test is still very rarely done because of the guidelines in the medical world would not recommend it unless you have a history of recurring miscarriages.

4. Perform retest
If you are a normal fetal chromosomes, and this is a miscarriage you are second or third, there is a chance for you to fix it in the advanced testing.

The tests include the testing of genes that may be associated with blood clotting, weak cervix, hormonal imbalance, or even immune problems such as lupus.

If you have blood clotting problems, anticlotting drugs can reduce the risk of miscarriage by 75 percent. However, if your cervix is ​​weak, then you need stitches in the first trimester so as to prevent cervical opening early and having premature labor.


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